Professor Piotr Zgliczyński was the laureate of the MAESTRO 8 competition

Professor Piotr Zgliczyński from the Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics has won the Maestro 8 competition (see Results of the MAESTRO 8, HARMONIA 8, SONATA BIS 6 competitions).

Let us remind you that the Maestro grants are the most prestigious competitions organized by the National Science Center. In the so far resolved Maestro competitions, among the 12 winners from the group of mathematics and IT units (both universities and PAN units) there are as many as five employees of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Jagiellonian University. Also in all the so far resolved types of NCN grant competitions in the group of mathematics and information technology units (SI1MI), Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is a clear leader in terms of the amount of grant funds obtained per employee (see Statistics provided by the NCN for 2013-2015)

Published Date: 24.02.2017
Published by: Krzysztof Bartosz