Computer Mathematics

Where to find information

A lot of information on financial aid, student dormitories etc. can be found on the website of the Jagiellonian University. It is worth checking frequently for new information.

It is the students' responsibility to constantly check whether there are any new announcements for you. The main contact channels are e-mail accounts: university (U-MAIL and institute (in the domain and the notice board at the secretariat.

All information regarding the studies is provided by the Didactic Secretariat.

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science for student affairs

dr hab. Piotr Niemiec prof. UJ

phone: (+48) 12 664 7661

business card (USOSWeb) 

room: 1175

Deputy Director of the Institute of Computer Science for didactics

dr Sławomir Bakalarski

phone:      (+48) 12 664-7545
room:       2144


Head of the 1st and 2nd degree full-time studies in the field of computer mathematics

dr Paweł Gniadek

phone:  +48 12 664 7542
room:   2150

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